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Arena Training

Arena Training

Personalised coaching sessions

We offer coaching sessions tailored to you and your needs, aiming at improving your gaming skills. These sessions will either be held on Skype or Ventrilo/Teamspeak and by a professional player on an individual basis.

Basics like key bindings, macros, talents will be discussed initially, then we will elaborate on the way of playing in the arena, interaction with other classes and on how to deal with certain arena setups. Furthermore we will show you general tips & tricks. If you want to, we can also discuss the ideal way of playing on battlegrounds and in duels – there are no limits for us here!

You determine the contents of the session, and we ensure that you will come out of it contented and with the feeling that you have learnt quite a bit!

PvP Arena training / coaching

By means of personalised coaching sessions, guides and commented video recordings of our game, we offer you numerous special trainings all around the topics of class mastering, tactics, different setups and the arena in general.

You alone determine the focus of our coaching units – whether we focus on the games of a class in general, a certain arena combination or the demeanour in BGs and duels is completely up to you and most often depends on the point in time when you start working together with us.

30 Euro for 30 minutes

46 Euro for 50 minutes

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Play with a pro

You always wanted to play in the arena together with one of the best players in Europe? Ideal in combination with PvP arena training, but also in general, it is always a very good idea to invest in these gaming lessons. We can analyse your style of playing and give you useful tips & tricks in order to get more fun out of the game!

As the only arena leveling service, we offer you to play directly with you – learn from the best players in Europe! We analyse your style of playing, teach you tactics against certain teams and the right reactions in certain situations. Playing together with a 2900+ rating player will teach you much more and there is more scope for your development than when playing with other players!

50 Euro per hour

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Premium all-in-one package for training and consulting

Our premium offer for all people who want to improve their style of playing and to have more fun with WoW. Here we agree on a certain number of lessons in order to coach you in the best possible way. The duration depends on your previous knowledge and on how fast you can translate the lessons into action. In most cases, however, 10 lessons are enough in order to improve your performance considerably.

In contrast to other games, WoW requires no extraordinary reaction time in order to become one of the top players. WoW is more about using the right tactics against the different teams and how to react in the right way in certain situations – and this is exactly what our pros will teach you!

Price and scope
agreed on an individual basis

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